Recruitment / Application
A person who is honest with the organization with the right mindset and fulfills his/her sense of duty and responsibility.
Talent who constantly strives with passion and dreams for the growth and development of the company and its members.
Creative talents who challenge new changes without being bound by existing methods or thinking.
Talented people who can achieve goals and create synergy by becoming one through cooperation with members of the organization.
Keeping pace with the trend of the global competition era, we are operating a performance-oriented personnel system based on performance and capabilities, not seniority.Breaking away from the conservative and rigid corporate hierarchy, we practice a personnel system based on an advanced performance-oriented culture.Through this, HANYOUNG is transforming into a more flexible organization and growing into a global leading company.
Based on the members' perception of the company's value and desirable performance,At the same time, we are promoting growth through employee competency development.
Maximize added value
Internal and external customer satisfaction process
improvement Employee
competency enhancement
- Decision
- Strategic work
- Business mind
- Communication
- Partnership
- Creative Thinking
- Customer Orientation
- Leadership
Basic salary increase
HANYOUNG's basic labor standards are as follows.
Working hours: 08:30 ~ 18:30 (excluding break time)
Working days: Monday to Friday (5 days a week)
Wage: Annual salary system (including bonuses)
Allowance system: overtime allowance, holiday
(overtime allowance), annual/monthly allowance.
4 insurances: national pension, employment insurance, industrial accident insurance, health insurance.
Benefit system: overtime pay, holiday (overtime) pay, annual/monthly pay
Holiday/Anniversary: Holiday gift, foundation day gift provided
Meal management: Meal payment
Holidays/vacations: Closed on annual, semi-annual, national holidays
Medical/Health: Health Checkup
Clothing related: uniform / safety boots provided
[마감]연구실 사원 모집-Test
작성자 wsyoon 날짜21-01-28 15:28 조회수2,566 댓글0본문
연구실 사원 모집(마감되었습니다.)
모집부문 및 자격요건
담당업무 | 자격요건 및 우대사항 |
- 화학섬유 연구 실험 | 담당업무 - 화학 섬유 연구 개발 - 신소재 화학 섬유 - 특허 관련 행정 업무 - 중기청 지원 사업 부분 행정 업무 - ISO 관리 업무(9001, 14001) - 근무부서 : 연구실 자격요건 - 학력 : 대졸 이상(4년) - 경력 : 무관 (신입 지원 가능) - 성별 : 무관 우대사항 - 이공계 졸업자(예정자) - 엑셀, 파워포인트 능숙자 |
근무조건 및 환경
근무형태 | 정규직(수습기간)-3개월 |
근무부서 | 연구실 |
근무요일/시간 | 주 5일(월~금) 8:30~18:30 |
근무지역 | 경남 - 양산시 |
급여 | 면접후 결정 |
회사주소 | (50567) 경상남도 양산시 산막공단 북5길 87 |
전형절차 및 제출서류
전형절차 | [서류전형]-[실무자면접]-[임원면접]-[합격여부통보] |
제출서류 | 이력서, 자기소개서. (서류 합격 후, 면접 시, 자사 입사지원서 작성) 합격 후, 사진 1매, 주민등록등본 지참 |
접수기간 및 방법
접수기간 | 2019년 8월 14일 (수) 09시 ~ 2019년 10월 31일 (목) 18시 |
이력서양식 | 회사 제공 입사 지원서 |
접수방법 | 홈페이지 지원 |
기타 유의사항
입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우, 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.
등록된 댓글이 없습니다.